Labels:text | screenshot | software | multimedia software | graphics software | computer icon | editing OCR: Workbench Screen 20-Apr-96 18:48:24 CyberWindow View Teck Multiview AMosaic 1.2: Document View Title: Amiga Mosaic Home 月 MULTI MEDIA Ram Disk URL: file: //localhost/Workbench:Expansion/Modem/Mosaic/docs/amosaic.html Abc Back Home Open Reload Quit AMosaic 1.1: L'ocument view OPUS Title: Amiga Mosaic Home URL: http://insti/AMosaic/ Home Qpen Reload Quit Commodore MagicWB AMIGA Mosaic Home Page Welcome to Amiga Mosaic! Amiga Mosaic is based on NCSA's Mosaic, but is not distributed by the University of Illinois or NCSA. It is being developed by Michael Fischer, Michael Witbrock, and Mike Meyer. To subscribe to the Amiga Mosaic mailing list, send mail to To send a message to the mailing list, send to The current version of Amiga Mosaic is 1.1, ...